Healing The Wound

You are on the road to a more prosperous future

Money isn’t your problem.

Did you know your success is linked to your safety?

Money is not biased. However, your wounds, lack of worth, lack of love, and ability to feel safe; stop money from finding you. During this six-week hybrid guided group experience, we will identify your core money blocks. As well as address the financial trauma that is holding you back from living your best life.

Through the lens of Human Design, Astrology & Trauma-Informed practices, we will get to the root of your fear, lack, avoidance, and sabotage to create a plan that is in alignment for you to reach your financial goals. Together, we will take a closer look at what you truly desire and value.

Along this journey, you’ll get a chance to reframe your conditioned definition of abundance, discover how your nervous system plays a part in your worth & wealth, and how to create a new self-concept that accomplishes what you want.


Identify your money wounds

In week one, It's about being honest about the relationship you have with money. It's about identifying your financial trauma and working through it so you can feel more secure.


Identifying your financial fear

In week two, The fear that fuels financial lack is often rooted in traumatic events which have led to a lack of trust and a sense of safety.


Identify your Values

In week three, Imagine the life you want and how you want to live it. Let me show you how your values fuel your financial needs, wants, and desires.


Deepen your Practice

In week four, You’ve learned a lot so far and you know what you want to do differently in your financial story. This is where you bring it all together, connect the dots and identify how you will make progress.


Identify your Worth

In week five, Your self-worth has a direct impact on your financial worth, If you think you are not deserving of wealth, it will be difficult to achieve true abundance.


Finding Financial Fulfillment

In week six, Be more successful by aligning yourself with your values, goals, and vocational calling. You will find fulfillment and success when you shift your perspective so you don't sabotage yourself financially.


Live group calls

We will meet on Thursdays at 7:30 - 8:30pm est and the calls will be recorded and uploaded to our Healing the Wound Community for lifetime access


HTW Community

Access to our Healing the Wound community where you can share your wins, talk about your progress, and be supported by people on the same journey


A workbook

You’ll receive a workbook that you can refer back to as you continue your progress. It contains everything you need to get started and will help keep you on track every step of the way


Lifetime access

You’ll receive lifetime access to all the recordings, allowing you to return to them as needed. Most importantly, it’s now easier than ever to find your way around our HTW community.

Healing The Wound is for you if…


✲ You are an entrepreneur, freelancer, or employee with a side gig, and you’re having trouble recreating your highest earning months

✲ You have financial aspirations but you feel they are unattainable

✲ You’re unaware of your current financial status

✲ You don’t have a spending plan that’s in alignment with your true desires and values

✲ You have a warped sense of abundance due to childhood traumatic experiences

✲ You are ready to kick fear in the face, stop sabotaging your success and create a new sense of worth about who are and what you’re capable of

My Money Story

In college, during my junior year, I went from having an allowance on my father's AMEX to withdrawing from school due to a lack of financial stability in less than a year. Due to unforeseen circumstances that were out of my control, everything changed financially. This situation made an imprint on my nervous system and made me believe that when things in my life are going great financially, I'm going to lose something. So my body created safety out of lack and fear. Anytime I would reach a financial milestone that was above what my nervous system could handle I would have anxiety attacks and create new ways for me to feel safe. And in my case that put a ceiling on my earnings.

I’ve spent years trying to make sense of my money blocks and I’ve realized it had nothing to do with money at all. So I went on a quest to learn how to help myself deal with the root of my money issues, which was about my worth. Even though I’m still learning about my triggers and recalibrating my nervous system, my journey led me to get the formal financial education I needed to help others.

Utilizing my money education, esoteric modalities, and trauma-informed practices, I want to help you free yourself in the same way.




Early Bird Bonuses:
Must be signed up by Friday, January 20th, 2023 11:59pm est

Access to HTW community on January 23rd, 2023
Abundance Meditations in the HTW community
Human Design Reading with our Informed Practitioners



* One Time Payment / Lifetime Access *

When Filling Out The Form Please Hoover In The White Space Under The Last Question For The Add To Cart Button To Appear



* Two Monthly Payments / Lifetime Access *

When Filling Out The Form Please Hoover In The White Space Under The Last Question For The Add To Cart Button To Appear


“How long are the live sessions?”

The Q+A sessions are 1 hour long on Thursdays from 7:30pm - 8:30pm est.

“I'm scared to take a real look at my finances, will this be hard?”

The great news is that something pulled you towards this offer, which tells me you are aware that you need help. Will this be hard? No, but it will be uncomfortable because you might think this will all work itself out. Is that true? Maybe. But you have the power to make sure during that process you are present.

"I'll never be debt free, so what's the point?"

Who said being debt-free was the goal? Many times we see certain financial teachers speak about being debt-free. They position wealth with this illusion that you can only have it if you have no debt, and it is the only way you can be financially free. THAT’S NOT TRUE. Debt-free may be a goal for some, but when you are transparent about your desires and what you value. The real dream is financial awareness and proper money management that can help you reach your money goals.

“What’s the refund policy?”

Due to the nature of this offer, there are no refunds